Resolving South African Legal Issues

Our South African Experience

With over twenty years of experience in the South African legal system, the Pathway team is well equipped to suitably deal with and resolve all of your legal issues in view of your impending immigration to Australia from South Africa. As migration agents and lawyers, Pathway is conveniently able to take care of all of your relocation concerns, including your emigration related South African legal issues  - not just your visa application. 


Pathway Lawyers

Your South African Legal Issues

Parental Consent
Outstanding Debts
Closing a Business
Parental Consent

In order to immigrate with a child born of a previous relationship it is requires that the former partner consents to the child leaving its home country.


DOHA Requirements


Consent can be provided either in a statutory declaration from the child's parent/s, or by completion of the Department of Home Affairs’ (DOHA) Form 1229. If you cannot obtain parental consent, the DOHA will accept a court order made for the child's relocation.


Obtaining a Court Order


In South Africa, you will need to approach the High Court to obtain a court order, and you'll need to prove that the child's migration to Australia is in the child's best interests. You'll need to point to elements of Australian culture and lifestyle that will benefit the child, and prove that these benefits outweigh any benefit to the child in remaining in their home country. Generally, given the sometimes difficult conditions attached to raising a child in South Africa, and the many benefits to a child growing up in Australia, the South African courts are sympathetic to these applications provided they are thoroughly motivated. 


Parental consent applications can be very complex and expensive so it is vitally important that you retain a lawyer who is successfully experienced in such applications.  As lawyers and migration agents, Pathway's team can help you manage the stresses of both the migration process and any associated legal matters. Our lawyers are experienced in successfully bringing High Court applications for the parental consent court order, and with legal and migration experience in both South Africa and Australia, we are uniquely placed to accurately motivate the application in the best interests of your child. 


To receive the above assistance or any other legal service please contact us on

Outstanding Debts
Closing a Business